The more time I spent at the property, seeing the # of kids riding their bicycles through, I’m happy we got him out and giving us a chance to clean up and improve the neighborhood.

Evicted tenant destroys property

In a November 2016 post titled My First Tax Deed Purchase I talk about just that and the unknown tenant living in our new Pensacola property. What started out as the best case scenario resulted in an eviction just 2 months later after signing the inherited tenant to a lease. As in most cases I’ve heard about, an eviction typically results in the property being damaged, or in my case, destroyed.

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The property was in bad shape when we purchased it off the tax deed, but nothing like is shown in the photos and video here. As I’ve spent some time with my clean up crew at the property, I’ve been able to confirm with a couple of the neighbors this individual was real trash. Squatting on this property for the last 10 years, I knew he was trash but wow, what a piece of work. Supposedly he’s been stealing his mother’s disability checks and even baking meth in the back storage unit. Worst house in the neighborhood – we got it!
The more time I’ve spent at the property, seeing the # of kids riding their bicycles through, I’m happy we got him out and giving us a chance to clean up and improve the neighborhood.
Once we have the property stabilized, I’ll be sure to do a follow-up post with some #s, figures, etc.  Enjoy the video – off to clean up the trash’s trash!

Evicted Tenant Destroys Property Video:

Evicted Tenant Destroys Property PensacolaEvicted Tenant Destroys Property PensacolaEvicted Tenant Destroys Property Pensacola
Evicted Tenant Destroys Property PensacolaEvicted Tenant Destroys Property PensacolaEvicted Tenant Destroys Property Pensacola
Evicted Tenant Destroys Property PensacolaEvicted Tenant Destroys Property PensacolaEvicted Tenant Destroys Property Pensacola
Evicted Tenant Destroys Property Pensacola Evicted Tenant Destroys Property Pensacola

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